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South Coast Planning & Wealth Experienced Strong Growth in Clients During 2024

Updated: Feb 11

Strong client growth at South Coast Planning & Wealth Management.

During 2024, South Coast Planning and Wealth Management grew by 31 client households, averaging 2.5+ new comprehensive financial planning and investment management households monthly! In addition, approximately 20 households completed a financial planning only engagement.

Since September 2023, 42 client households joined the firm on a comprehensive financial planning and investment management basis. The strong growth in clients joining South Coast Planning & Wealth has far exceeded my expectations and it's humbling to have experienced this level of client growth—especially when combined with the positive feedback that has been provided by the clients.

The financial planning needs that arose during 2023 and 2024 covered everything from individuals and couples about to retire in their late 60s, some that have already been retired for many years, an individual who retired at 50 and moved across the country (from Rhode Island to Arizona), all the way down to mid-career and early career professionals who are preparing for their specific life goals.

Ultimately, the focus of South Coast Planning is to help our clients set a path towards their definition of success and live their best lives along the way. 2025 is already off to a fast start—and the firm is continuously upgrading its offerings and technology, and I can't wait to see what this new year has in store for the firm and its clients.


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